Thursday, May 15, 2008

Before the Stormy Weather

We've had some scary weather in the last week. A friend shot this picture of us at a garden party on Saturday night. A while later it started to sprinkle and we moved to the covered porch and the party moved inside as it rained harder. Then there was a round of pea-sized hail. Then there was a pause. I was standing on the back porch talking to someone when a substantial hail stone fell on the patio like a shot. Maybe the size of a golf ball. We foolishly thought it a 'stray' from the hail we just had but then a bunch of them fell. They were apparently mushy because they didn't break the guy' greenhouse windows or reflecting balls or dent the cars. (Ours was in the gargage as this house is near our current abode and we'd walked.) Last night we had hail again. Pea-size or small marble I'd say. Again no substantial damage so we were lucky. Lots of tornado alerts, too. Who knew that they could take over your TV and amp the volume even if you were playing something off your DVR???


  1. You guys are just plain lucky I would say. You need to get some kind of metal helmet like soldiers wear and wear them outside when you get your picture taken. You could be severely damaged by one of the large hail stones.

    We have three large, and getting old, skylights that have gone through all kinds of storms but I am beginning to wonder how long this modern plastic stuff can work before it decides to give up the ghost and fall apart and let the rain come in the house.

    Worries me.

    Did I forget to say, "Nice looking couple."

  2. Have similar skylight in my dad's house and used to have here. Had some leaking problems and then the one at Dad's got broken in a hail storm. Had to replace roof on that one, too.

  3. I'm really enjoying your blog. I'm moving out to austin this fall and its been neat to get a preview of the city.
