Friday, April 3, 2020

Day 20 Inside

This is our view from our apartment. We have been mostly inside for almost three weeks. We assume outside our apartment door is a petri dish of positive exposure. We know one person in the building is monitored. (Our management has informed us.) Most days we only get our newspaper in (with great care and glove and Clorox wipe removing the wrapper). We have been to the lobby a few times to get our mail (mask, gloves, Clorox wipes) and to our parking level twice. Once to take our car to a pharmacy and then to the curb in front of a restaurant for take-out. Once to get in the storage cage and get all the extra TP and paper towels and Kleenex. We also took some recycling to make us look less like alcoholics when they take us away. I swear those two Scotches barely had any left! We started both cars to see if they would run.

We made one shopping foray to the deli in our building (with masks). Much construction will continue in our neighborhood so people on the very front lines of infection will be in the shops. Four times neighbors (one on our floor) added some of our grocery items to their shopping and left at the door. We had take-out delivered several times, had some packages of supplements from Amazon and had the wine store deliver Sweet Vermouth and some white and rosé wines. We've tried to combine our trips to the lobby to get things with picking up our mail. Discarding trash is a two-person operation with sanitizing wipes, hand-washing, changing shoes.

I'm going to take a picture from the window for a few days to put here. It's cloudy and rainy today. The three white cars? They probably won't move. We believe they are unmarked cars of Federal marshalls. The cranes? They will probably move. Welcome to our (new) world.


  1. Thanks for this and telling what life is like today. I live 140 miles northwest, lived in Austin circa '66 when at school. (the one in the previous post). I have enjoyed your photos; Austin is now a strange city to me. It's interesting to see how it looks now. Thanks.
    Stay safe.
