Friday, May 3, 2013

Keeping Us Safe

This vehicle which belongs to Homeland Security has been keeping our building company most weekdays for a while. The nearby Federal Court House is the site of a trial involving a drug cartel.


  1. Elizabeth PearsonMay 3, 2013 at 7:42 AM

    Do you ever venture out of downtown? There's lots to see in other parts of Austin.

  2. Yes, we do. But usually only within walking distance! If you are bored with our perspective, I would understand that. Over five years of pictures here you will find pictures from all around Austin. But we are unlikely to change our habit of centering our life downtown.

    1. Elizabeth PearsonMay 3, 2013 at 9:06 AM

      No, not bored, just wondering is all. Most of the other "daily photo" sites I visit, including my hometown of London, venture about more. I've been lucky enough to visit your lovely city twice and I was just curious as to why your photos seemed somewhat limited in areas visited. Thank you for the explanation.

    2. Not really sure what you expect to see that isn't here. We actually do drive and there are pictures here from all over Austin. (Although not every day.) What did you see on your visit that we are overlooking?

    3. I'll chime in too. I've been in Austin since 1946 and I have seen it grow from a burg with about 100,000 people to being the 13th largest city in the country -- so I certainly know that there are some great things to see outside of downtown. Up until five years ago, before we moved, our perspective would have taken in more of town. But now that we live in a downtown high rise and all four of our parents are dead (point being, we don't have to run errands for them), it is pretty rare that we drive anywhere -- as a result, many of our photos are of the central city. But next time we get in the car, we'll take along our cameras. Glad you like viewing our site!
