Monday, June 1, 2020

Our Park

This is the view of the nearest park to us from our balcony. Before the isolation we have been undergoing we walked to and through this park all the time. It has been refurbished and is quite nice with paths, sculpture and heritage live oak trees. However, lately, we only see it from our place because there tend to be people there and at the nearby bus stop in unpredictable quantities.  The street nearby is closed on Saturdays to allow a Farmer's Market. We haven't been going there either. Maybe soon as we see how the infection affects our city. Many things are opening up.

Today is theme day for City Daily Photo. Click here to see what other blogs from around the world did to show a park in their city.


  1. Always nice to have a local park. Soon soon you will be able to enjoy it again

  2. Nice that you are able to walk to it!
