Friday, December 21, 2007

Stealth Decoration

There are evergreens growing along Capitial of Texas Highway (aka 360) and every holiday season 'vandals' go on public property and put garlands and ornaments on a tree. Public officials were initially all puffy about this and probably still are. The decorations could blow off and be dangerous, you are trespassing on public right of way, etc. Naturally every year a few more are decorated. [Ed. Note: This is not something you would do given that (1) You refused to stop on the shoulder and get a picture of the ones that look attractive and took a picture of this vague attempt at the corner of 2222; and (2) You can't bring yourself to decorate on your own property.]

Well, yes, they look a lot nicer in a group along the way south of Spicewood Springs, but someone apparently jumped out while the light was red and flash-decorated this one! And, yes, I didn't want to risk stopping on the shoulder...this is a high speed road! This corner is also one for the books with a beggar on the west side asking traffic going east (these guys seemed to have assigned corners) for money. This beggar is different because his sign doesn't say he is a Viet Nam Vet or just in need (the usual) but declares that he is an '85-year-old WW II vet.' Whoa.

So, not much of a picture, but here at Austin Daily Photo, we like a few words, too.

1 comment:

  1. Oh well, it is still nice.

    For us old folks, it is a weary time of year. So as it winds down may I wish you and your family a very happy and healthy holiday and a prosperous new year.

    Abraham and Patty Lincoln
    Brookville Daily Photo
    Brookville, Ohio USA
