Friday, April 11, 2008

Visionaries and Legends

Some simple plaques on the east side of the Long Center announce major donations. (No, you won't find our name among them, but if you look long and hard at all the plaques inside the center you might find us!) If you gave a certain amount you were a visionary, but if you gave a bit less you were a Texas Legend. (And by less we still mean seven figures.) It continued through designations like 'Texas Star' and 'Chairman's Forum' and 'President's Forum' and I think the bottom donors (I believe 50K was the price of entry for having your name outside the building) were 'Impresarios.' These folks have things inside with their name(s) on them, too. You know, like 'Dell Hall.' Anyway I don't know about all these designations but I think it is cool that two Sarahs who are friends of mine ended up next to each other on this sign.

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