Wednesday, October 1, 2008

In or Out?

Tennis players and fans know that a ball is in if it touches any part of the line. This (pink, breast cancer awareness) ball represents an edge where a serve might go and still be considered in. One day we were playing with some pink tennis balls (unusual for my group but someone had them) and we went looking for an errant ball. Later the groundskeeper found this one and tossed it to us, assuming it was ours. It wasn't. I saved it to take a photo on one of the club's newly refurbished courts.

By the way, if you struck a serve that landed in that spot, you would have a good chance of your opponent calling it out. The hopeful eye sees what it wants. The pros have linesmen and, in some cases, electronic review challenges. Us amateurs call the balls on our side.

Lines are everywhere today on City Daily Photo. That's because it's the first of the month and it's theme day and lines is the theme. Click here to view thumbnails for all participants