Monday, October 27, 2008

Old and New Living

The Heritage Society had a talk yesterday on a small dead-end block north of Sixth Street. Harthan Street has some designated landmark homes but also some that merely contribute to a local historic district with rules on the exterior changes agreed to by the homeowners in advance and enforced by the Landmark Commission. The bungalows partially on view here, at 607 and 609, were built in 1915 and 1920 respectively. Looming behind them are two downtown high rises...the Monarch Apartments and behind it, the 360 Condominiums. The bungalow on the left has some colors and decorations that probably don't date to 1915! (And couches on porches were probably not de rigeur then either.) However, enough remains of its original state for it to contribute to the history of the street. The one on the right at 607 has had the wooden porch columns and original windows changed enough so that it is not considered 'contributing.' Personally I just like the juxtaposition of homes built almost a hundred years ago on a hill west of downtown with the skyscrapers over their shoulders.

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