Sunday, June 10, 2007

Blue Star's Flowers

Blue Star Cafeteria is a restaurant in our neighborhood run by our friend Eddie Bernal. They have some colorful flowers out front at all times. Here you see orange marigolds, deep purple salvia, and lavender agapanthus. The deep red bush is a barberry and I'd guess that the low green bushes are ligustrums. It's good to be able to take a leisurely six or seven minute walk and arrive at a nice restaurant like this.


  1. I love these flowers. All except the red barberry. They have some nasty thorns and are subject to different diseases here where I live. I used to grow the dwarf kind but since this is now a sanctuary for wildlife and barberry has no value to them, I no longer have it.

    Nice shot. I would like a restaurant like this in Brookville, Ohio.

    Surprise, surprise, surprise. It's me!
    Brookville Daily Photo

  2. We did have barberries at our house as part of the landscaping behind our rear bedroom. I agree with you that they were a bit of a pain, since they were full of thorns.

    Their one value seems to be that they provide a nice color contrast to green. But like you, I finally ditched mine-- they were a pain to trim and I was tired of getting scratched.
