Here is the view from the back window of our home's entertainment room. We see this panorama when we wake up each day and let the dog out. In this photo, you can see four of our five "band members" who populate our back yard. Left to right: metal clarinet, French horn (small in back), tuba, and trumpet. We do love our big back yard. We have been in this house almost thirty years and it still is a wonder to me when I look at it. (Of course, if you click on this photo you will see a larger version which better shows the French horn and tuba.) The yellow house is a tool shed. Oh-- and the other band member is a trombone player-- but he's so far over to the right in a sitting spot we call the "Zen area" that I couldn't get him in the photo. The French hornist is definitely female, by the way!
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What a lush and whimsical garden! I would love to sit at your stone table and listen to "the band".
ReplyDeleteI hope they play jazz ;-)
I adore the pic large -- so much easier to see your lovely band members! They are terrific. I'm also impressed by your yard. It's so green there -- you must be getting our rain! Please give it back. :) :)
ReplyDeleteun beau jardin, c'est agreable
ReplyDeletea beautiful garden, it is pleasant
Your garden is a little paradise! It's far from what i have imagined about Texas...
ReplyDeleteLove the artwork. Very nice
ReplyDeleteNice backyard. You must love to spend time here. Imm sure your dog loves it too.
ReplyDeleteHey, you have a really great backyard! I love the band!
ReplyDeleteNice place. I can be there with my coffer mug and my book.